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At Your Best in the Skilled Trades

At Your Best Playbooks are designed to be A-to-Z game plans for building successful careers and launching thriving small businesses in the Skilled Trades.


Each AYB Playbook answers 10 key questions for being successful in the Skilled Trades.


AYB Playbooks provide four primary groups of folks with local, actionable steps that they can take, wherever they may live in the US.


At Your Best is committed to our mission to help close the Skills Gap, because this Skills Gap represents a TREMENDOUS opportunity for so many folks!

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At Your Best as an HVAC/R Tech book cover
At Your Best as a Welder book cover
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At Your Best as a Painter book cover

NEW  At Your Best Playbooks

Coming Soon!

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Factory worker is programming a CNC mill
  • At Your Best as an Advanced Manufacturing Tech
  • At Your Best as a Supply Chain Specialist
  • At Your Best as an Additive Manufacturing Tech
AYB 10 Qs

Ten Questions AYB Playbooks Answer:

1.  What does a career in a particular Skilled Trade look like?

2.  What should you consider when entering that Skilled Trade?

3.  How do you become a successful Craftsman in that Skilled Trade?

4.  How much can you make in that Skilled Trade in your chosen local market?

5.  What are your career options in that Skilled Trade?

6.  How long does it take to succeed at each stage of your career?

7.  How and where can you find work in that Skilled Trade in your local market?

8.  What concrete actions should you take to be a highly valued employee?

9.  What should you think about before you strike out on your own? 

10. What, at minimum, does it take to launch a successful small business in the Skilled Trades?

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AYB 4 Demos
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Who AYB Playbooks are for...

The Newcomers:  Those who are entering the workforce for the first time.

The Veterans:  Those who are returning to the civilian workforce after their military service.

The Restarters:  Those who are re-entering the workforce but are changing careers.

The Upgraders:  Those already in a Skilled Trade but are now looking to go the next level as an entrepreneur.

Review of the AYB Playbook Series:


"There are no 'shortcuts' to success, but Juan Carosso has given you the next best thing… If you or someone you care about wants to live the American Dream, has a strong work ethic, and can follow simple directions, Juan has given you a roadmap to making that dream come true. In his phenomenal At Your Best series, he has carved out in painstaking detail an easy-to-follow plan to tap into one of over 6,000,000 well-paying jobs out there, that go unfilled every year. This should be a must-read for everyone already in, or about to enter the workforce."

          Glenn Shepard - Bestselling Author

“How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without”

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The "Why" of At Your Best

At Your Best believes that the American Dream is alive and well for each of us, as long as we commit ourselves to doing the hard work with perseverance and a good attitude.


At Your Best believes that the Skilled Trades offer a proven pathway for folks to realize their American Dream - no matter their personal circumstances. The Skilled Trades are absolutely critical to all of our futures and our quality of life in the US, so they need to be celebrated as such.

At Your Best exists to help folks envision their futures with a game plan that lays out the concrete steps to take and milestones to reach along the way to go from A to Z as they build a great career and/or launch a thriving small business in the Skilled Trades.


At Your Best exists to give back to this Great Country that has given us all so much.

A Bit about the Author

My family came to the US from Argentina in 1963. The Skilled Trades set the foundation on which my family was able to realize our American Dream by providing us our pathway to success in the US.


I'm 100% committed to helping close the growing Skills Gap that is threatening our economy and our quality of life.

White laptop with coffee cup and pen on

I launched At Your Best and the AYB Playbook series as a way to give back by helping others realize their American Dream through successful careers and small business creation in the Skilled Trades.


                                                                                                               Juan Carosso

AYB Playbooks are intended to help close the Skills Gap by providing folks the concrete steps & milestones to find jobs and build a career as a carpenter, an electrician, an HVAC technician, a mason, a bricklayer, a blockmason, a painter, a welder, or a plumber and then provide them a path to start a small business.

At Your Best     PO Box 918, Kingston, WA 98346


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